Sunday, 30 October 2011

The Legend that was "Taxi Pete"...

"Taxi Pete" has left the island. In his place we have a Sri Lankan chap called Gerard who has been entertaining us in the rain with tales of debauchery. There was the Englishman who drank 60 to 70 lagers every day for 14 days. And another who drank three bottles of vodka in one sitting, then slapped his wife about and fell unconscious. Apparently after that he didn't have much of a holiday.

But it's the Ruskies that take the biscuit. There are 20 beach bungalows on the island that have been bought all year round by a Ruskie travel agent. They're called the "Exotic Village" although they're no more exotic than anywhere else... architecturally. But, it seems that young Russian girls come as a part of the package holiday and can often be seen cavorting around nekkid. Guess they'll be working hard for their stay in this inclement weather... A Porno-Paradise for Putin's People.

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